"Beat Dolder and his colleague realized the purchase of Halter Bonbons AG for us. The team found the right tonality with the seller. I appreciated Beat’s goal-oriented approach, his pragmatism and bargaining strengths. Dolder served as a valuable support with such a demanding and extraordinary project” (Konrad Kaufmann, CEO Hunziker + co AG (a subsidiary of Dibona Holding))
"Beat Dolder and his colleague supported us professionally and efficiently in the acquisition of Wilsanco Plastics. Beat showed high degree of personal commitment and is also highly knowledgeable in legal and financial matters.” (Andreas Frank, CEO Greiner Packaging Holding Ltd.)
"Reviewing the whole process, the extensive preparatory work, and the negotiations during the project, I realized, how important the chemistry and absolute confidence are next to professional competence." (Elisabeth Delaquis Küng, co-owner and Managing Director Trapo Küng AG)
"Beat Dolder conducted a highly professional project together with his team, which has led to a very good result in the shortest time. The cooperation was based on close teamwork and great faith. Especially valuable was the transactional expertise, bargaining power and the open input to us as a customer." (George Walliser, Chairman and CEO, Edelweiss FM Ltd.)
"As liquidator of Uniwood Holding Ltd. it was my duty to sell various operational industrial enterprises, such as Bruno Piatti Ltd. and Ego Kiefer Ltd., at the best possible price. Beat Dolder led the highly professional sales projects, which in both cases resulted in very good purchase prices. The excellent documentation and the exemplarily transparent sales processes were a huge support in my discussions with the Judge." (Michael Werder, attorney at law, liquidator Uniwood Holding Ltd.)